Sunday, February 3, 2008

How to Make Diet Shakes

I'm not a morning person, or at least I didn't used to be. If I was on vacation in a wonderful hotel and could leisurely get up and have breakfast in bed, I would. Otherwise, breakfast wasn't in my morning routine. I was in too much of a hurry and wasn't really hungry until about 9 a.m. when I would grab a danish or pop tart and cup of coffee, but before lunch time I felt like I was going to starve to death ~ I was so hungry! I started skipping breakfast and I didn't realize that what I was eating for breakfast, or by skipping breakfast altogether was causing me to be 20 pounds overweight and I battled this for years.

I was diagnosed as hypo-glycemic and a nutritionist told me that when you feed your body protein in the morning it revs up your metabolism like an engine, you begin to burn stored fat and it regulates your sugar level. A friend showed me how to make diet shakes for breakfast. What a deal - a shake for breakfast? Yeah! I've tried the chalky protein shakes before and they made me gag so I was hesitant at first. My friend showed me how to make diet shakes, one that has lots of protein, is quick to make and tastes great.

It's been almost five years since Terri showed me how to make diet shakes. Here's how to make diet shakes; mix the prepackaged powder in a blender with a few ice cubes and 10 ounces of water for about 30 seconds. Voila, a quick and easy breakfast with 220 calories, half the daily needed calcium and 25 grams of protein to start my fat burning engine and sustain me until lunch. I don't get sluggish or hungry and I feel great! Tell me where you can drive thru and get a better breakfast for a little more than $2?

Need more energy to get you off the couch and working out?